Every historic site strives to interpret their history as to give each visitor a lasting impression of their essential mission...their story.
The individuals that communicate this vision to public, guides and docents, are often knowledgable about their topic, often dedicated to their site.
But rarely, is there an individual that can engage and educate her audience as Elizabeth from Monticello did for my family and I today.
At one point during the hour-long tour I looked across the crowd and spotted my own mother, crying. I cried too. Elizabeth's and Monticello's interpretation of Jefferson's enslaved community was realistic, thoughtful and empowering.
But, at the end of the day, it is about the messenger, the conveyer of information, it is about Elizabeth.
Because everyday there will be scores of visitors at Monticello who will listen to her and learn from her...about slavery in Virginia.

Maddy McCoy
Fairfax County, Virginia
Slavery Inventory Database
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