Usually I take a pretty straight picture (except when my equalibrium was off earlier this summer due to pool water in my ears.)
So, I was pretty suprised when I tried to photograph a few of the older (and AMAZING) headstones at Aquia.
Photo after photo, nothing came out straight. Everything was coming out a bit "wonky." The headstone appeared perfectly in my iPhone screen when I took the picture, and yet the image that appeared on the roll was different.
It felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me or I had some sort or odd physical-dimension-bending experience.
I'd like to go back to Aquia Church Cemetery. I'm thinking this time I'll take my brother (the physics professor) and my sister (the eye doctor) with me.
Ya know... just in case.
I took countless pictures of the following three headstones and here are the best of the lot...

Maddy McCoy
Fairfax County, Virginia
Slavery Inventory Database
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