November 24, 2012

Mount Olive Baptist Church, Brownsville, VA

Brownsville used to be called Swampoodle.


  1. Second Mount Olive Baptist Church located in Hamilton, Virginia was founded in 1892. The congregation desires to exalt God and encourage Christians toward spiritual maturity. Also to represent Christ in the earth, that through Him the world might be saved, with the final source of authority, in faith, doctrine, life, discipline and practice, being the Holy Bible; and the government and ruling of the Church be that as set forth in the New Testament.

  2. Second Mount Olive Baptist Church in Hamilton (1892-2017) celebrated its 125th Anniversary. The week long set of programs began with fall revival meetings from Monday, October 2 through Friday, October 6, 2017 and continued with a Saturday, October 7, Tenth Pastoral Anniversary Banquet of Pastor George M. Mink and Sister Janice Mink at the Banquet Hall at Ida Lee Recreation Center, Leesburg, VA.

    The week concluded with a 3 PM celebration of the 125th Church Anniversary on Sunday, October 8. Each event featured a guest pastor from around the northern Virginia area.
